Boarham Wood Tales

by N. A. Donalson

# Boar Four ## Coming Soon The chronicle of four young people from the Hamlet of Boar. The original title of Boarham Wood Tales was to cover a far bigger story than is detailed in this first story. The details of events described are pieced together from the songs, poems, and scribblings made since. While all rumours, mutterings, and tellings were checked thrice, as with all stories of the past, some aspects may be distorted, or exaggerated. I make no apologies for this, as these enhancements are what makes a tale worth telling and sharing. --- To get a feeling for Boar and the people, here is an old rhyme that was often heard sung by the people. — *We are the people from Boar,* *Where the Fast River does roar,* *Into our nets jump the fish,* *Ready for pan, and then dish,* — *From the acorn grows oak,* *Providing for folk,* *Work hard through the day,* *So our thirst we may slay,* *As each evening it's said* *See ya down the Boars Head.* — *From the mountains, the winter do blow,* *First the rain and then snow,* *But have patience my friends,* *For every winter ends,* — *From the acorn grows oak,* *Providing for folk,* *Work hard through the day,* *So our thirst we may slay,* *As each evening it's said* *See ya down the Boars Head.* — *From the south spring will start,* *Brought to Boar by the hart,* *His horns will grow stronger,* *As the days will get longer,* — *From the acorn grows oak,* *Providing for folk,* *Work hard through the day,* *So our thirst we may slay,* *As each evening it's said* *See ya down the Boars Head.* — *Summer flowers bloom in heat,* *Making the bee's honey sweet*, *The thrush song lasts the longest* *As the days warmth gets strongest* — *From the acorn grows oak,* *Providing for folk,* *Work hard through the day,* *So our thirst we may slay,* *As each evening it's said* *See ya down the Boars Head.* — *Grains green and yellow leaf,* *Ready to scythe into sheaf,* *Thresh, winnow, flail and fan,* *Take it all to the Miller man.* — *From the acorn grows oak,* *Providing for folk,* *Work hard through the day,* *So our thirst we may slay,* *As each evening it's said* *See ya down the Boars Head.* — *We are the people from Boar,* *Where the Fast River does roar,* *As long as the seasons keep turning* *From the world we'll keep earning* — *From the acorn grows oak,* *Providing for folk,* *Work hard through the day,* *So our thirst we may slay,* *As each evening it's said* *See ya down the Boars Head.*

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